John Harrison KC Successful in Releasing Frozen Assets for Interested Party in Forfeiture Order Application

John Harrison KC had been instructed to advise and represent commercial clients in regard to several hundred thousand pounds subject to an account freezing order. When the Chief Constable of Cheshire Police applied for a forfeiture order, John Harrison KC was successful in his application to have his client joined to the proceedings as an Interested Party. At the Forfeiture Order Application this week the proceedings were concluded in the favour of the Interested Party with recovery of previously frozen assets.

John Harrison KC regularly represents both Respondents and Interested Parties in all areas of Civil Recovery & Restraint including Civil Forfeiture, Investigation Orders, Restraint Proceedings, Cash Seizure, Enforcement Proceedings, Confiscation Proceedings, Civil Recovery, Account Freezing, Money Laundering Advice and Crown Court POCA. For more information, or to instruct John Harrison KC, please contact Director of Clerking, David Wright.