Alistair Webster, speaking on behalf of Lincoln House Chambers, reacts to the announcement that the government will not go ahead with its planned reduction in AGFS fees:

” This is a welcome development, but we should not lose sight of the overall picture.  Cuts to the VHCC scheme of 30%, following years of cuts, are not sustainable.  The government believes that the rates are sufficiently competitive to ensure that the work will be covered.  I believe that they are completely wrong in this.  I, and every QC to whom I have spoken, will continue to refuse to accept work under the VHCC scheme.  The Lord Chancellor is testing the market: the market has to reply with a resounding “NO!”


Furthermore, it is clear to any rational adult that the cuts just imposed on solicitors’ fees are equally unsustainable and will cause immense damage to our system of criminal justice.  We stand shoulder to shoulder with the solicitors in resisting these cuts and make it clear that we will not accept any work which solicitors have refused to undertake under the reduced fees scheme.  In this, our position has not changed.  If the Lord Chancellor seeks to drive a wedge between the two branches of the profession, he will not succeed.  Measures taken relate to the particular schemes and should not be confused.

I call on the CBA and the solicitors’ representative bodies to continue to work together to resist the ill judged cuts which remain in place.

THIS IS A VICTORY, BUT IT IS NOT THE END OF THE CAMPAIGN.  We have demonstrated that, when united action is taken, we can bring about change in government policy.  This is a lesson which all parties need to learn.”