Tony Cross QC Appointed to the Circuit Bench

Lincoln House Chambers is delighted to announce the appointment of Tony Cross QC to the Circuit bench.


Tony was called to the bar in 1982 and began his career as John Ward’s pupil, at Arkwright House, and then joined Winkley Square Chambers in 1992.  Tony was appointed as Recorder in 2002, joined Lincoln House Chambers in 2005, took silk in 2006, was appointed as a Deemster in 2011, was the chair of the CBA in 2015 and became a Bencher in 2015. He has always maintained a very successful practice, defending and prosecuting serious criminal cases and regulatory offences.

Head of Chambers, Andrew Thomas QC, said: “We are delighted at Tony’s appointment but we will miss him greatly. Everything Tony does, he does with passion and commitment whether it be fighting for his clients or supporting Burnley FC. He has been a redoubtable criminal advocate. As Chairman of the CBA he led the profession at a very difficult time. More importantly though, he has been a great friend and support both to his colleagues at the Bar and many others with whom he has worked. We wish him the best in his new post.”

Tony will sit at Manchester Crown Court, Crown Square.