Andrew Jefferies QC Appointed to Circuit Bench

Lincoln House Chambers is delighted to announce the appointment of Andrew Jefferies QC to the Circuit Bench.


Andrew Jefferies QC was called to the bar in 1990 and took silk in 2009. He was appointed as a Recorder in 2016. He will be known as His Honour Judge Jefferies QC.


Head of Chambers, Andrew Thomas QC, commented “We are absolutely delighted at the news of the appointment of Andrew Jefferies as a Circuit Judge. Andrew has had nearly 30 years’ experience as a criminal barrister, including nine years as Queens Counsel in which he has undertaken may high profile cases. He has been a great friend and colleague since joining Lincoln House Chambers, having previously practised in London. Although we are sorry to lose him from the bar, we know that he will be as popular and successful on the bench as he has been as a barrister.”


Read the official announcement here: