[intro]We are delighted to announce that Alistair Webster Q.C. and Guy Gozem Q.C. have been elected as joint heads of chambers, following Mukhtar Hussain’s decision to step down after 20 years.[/intro]

In a joint statement, Alistair and Guy said, ” We are very proud to have been elected as heads of one of the most successful and well regarded sets in the country.  Mukhtar goes with the thanks of all members of chambers for his calm guidance over the past 20 years.  We take post at a time of change and challenge.  Over the course of the next few months, there will be significant changes in chambers: new premises; new ways of delivering services; new fields of work.  One thing will remain: an absolute commitment to excellence: in advocacy; in advice; as mediators. We aim to ensure that Lincoln House makes the same outstanding progress over the next 20 years as it has over the last 20.”