Lincoln House Chambers Welcomes 2 New Tenants

[intro]Chambers are pleased to announce that Louise Cowen and Lisi Ke have accepted invitations to join Chambers as tenants having successfully completed their pupillage.[/intro]

Pupil supervisors Tim Storrie and Neil Usher comment further …

“We are delighted that Louise and Lisi have accepted Chambers’ invitation to join us. Instructing solicitors, Judges and other members of the Bar have all made a point of commenting on their ability in Court. They are  an exciting addition and sure to add to Chambers’ reputation for excellence in both crime and in the civil work that has already started coming to them in their own name”

Chambers Director Jonathan Maskew added …

“Chambers on-going investment in pupils is key to effective succession planning, both Louise and Lisi are proving to be exceptional individuals adding real value to the services we offer our clients. We all look forward to their continued success”.