Richard English and Rachel Cooper represent one half of the “Bonnie and Clyde of Blackpool"

Richard English was instructed by Mary Monson Solicitors to represent Ashley Turner-Platt who, along with her partner robbed a Spar convenience store in Blackpool in November 2018.  CCTV showed the pair hugging and kissing before Ms Turner-Platt went into the shop on Dickson Road with what appeared to be a meat cleaver, she went to the till and demanded to be given money, it was first thought she was joking but the shopkeeper quickly understood that it was not a joke and eventually £205 was handed over whereupon Ms Turner-Platt left re-joining her partner who had waited outside.


Following a nationwide appeal the two, colourfully but unfairly and inaccurately described as the “Bonnie and Clyde of Blackpool”, were arrested in Manchester.


The two defendants admitted being responsible for the robbery at their first appearance in Preston Crown Court. Sentence was adjourned.  At the sentence hearing Rachel Cooper mitigated on Ms Turner-Platt’s behalf telling His Honour Judge Knowles QC that Ms Turner-Platt was appalled by what she had done.  Ms Turner-Platt received a sentence of five year’s imprisonment, her co-defendant and partner was sentenced to six years and ten months in prison.


The case has gained national attention. See more via Daily Mail.


Richard English, who is a former solicitor was called to the Bar in 2003, he is a criminal defence barrister specialising in representing those who have mental health issues.


Rachel Cooper was called to the Bar in 2007, her practice is focused on criminal, professional disciplinary and regulatory law. She has a particular expertise in cases involving mentally disordered or vulnerable defendants, complainants or witnesses