Life Sentence For Killer Who Desecrated His Victim's Body

On 27th July 2021 Daniel Grant Smith, of Oldham, was jailed for life after admitting the murder of Imogen Bohajczuk, 29, of Bardsley Oldham.

The Court heard that Smith, an alcoholic, had a history of violent and manipulative behaviour towards other women.

In February 2021 his behaviour towards Miss Bohajcuk had become a grave source of concern. Ultimately he was to kill her in the course of a ferocious knife attack.

When officers attended at the scene they found that the deceased had been placed into a triumphalist pose and her body had been daubed with words ‘It was me’.

HHJ Field QC determined that Smith had desecrated the body of his victim and that he had intended to kill her. Smith, who had admitted responsibility for the killing to the Police, had pleaded guilty before the sentence hearing.

He was given a life sentence with a tariff of 17 years 6 months, less days served. Tim Storrie QC acted for the Prosecution on behalf of Michael Bailey at CPS North West and GMP FMIT.

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