Austin Welch delivers seminar on the Manchester Arena Attack and the Protect Duty at Lord's Cricket Ground

Austin Welch, together with Priscilla Addo-Quaye of Addleshaw Goddard solicitors , delivered a seminar on the Manchester Arena terrorist attack, the public inquiry that followed the attack and the Protect Duty/Martyn’s Law that is expected to be introduced into Parliament in the next session.

The seminar was hosted by the Marylebone Cricket Club and held at Lord’s Cricket Ground. It was attended by representatives of various sporting and events bodies and stadia operators including the RFU, Tottenham Hotspur FC, Arsenal FC, Surrey C.C.C., business including G4S, and the London Business School, as well as the SGSA and the Metropolitan Police.

Austin and Priscilla explored the events of the terrorist attack at the Manchester Arena, the main findings and recommendations made by the Chairman of the public inquiry into the attack concerning security at the Arena and the development of the Protect Duty (commonly referred to as Martyn’s Law) which, when introduced, will seek to ensure that the operators of events to which the public have access will have to provide adequate systems and procedures to protect the public from the risk of a terrorist attack.

Austin Welch specialises in health and safety, public inquiries and inquests. He has represented clients in the Hillsborough inquests, The Independent Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse, The Grenfell Tower Inquiry and The Gosport Independent Panel. He is currently instructed in the UK  Covid 19 Inquiry.

Austin and Priscilla represented 3 of the families of those who died at the Manchester Arena attack at the public inquiry that took place between 2020 and 2022.