Lincoln House Chambers Successfully Host “Inquests & Inquiries: Procedure, Preparation & Presentation” Seminar

Kate Blackwell KC, Lisa Roberts KC & Brenda Campbell KC in the Public Inquiries Room discussed their experiences in recent and pending Public Inquiries, including The Covid Inquiry, The Thirlwall Inquiry, The Grenfell Inquiry, The Manchester Arena Inquiry and more.  In the Inquests Room we had Philip Holden, David Pojur & Austin Welch sharing their thoughts on all things Inquests, followed by a very interesting and engaging panel discussion.

Chambers would like to take this opportunity to thank all those in attendance, many of whom travelled the length and breadth of the Country to be there: it is very much appreciated.

Head of Chambers Kate Blackwell KC said of the event “I was very proud to be one of three female silks speaking about Public Inquiries at the LHC “Inquests and Inquiries” seminar at the Manchester Hall yesterday, together with Lisa Roberts KC and Brenda Campbell KC. Also presenting, in the Inquest room, were David Pojur, Austin Welch and Phil Holden – stellar performances from all. Thank you to our amazing clerking team for organising such a successful event. I understand that some were carousing late into the night!”