Case dismissed against abnormal load escort driver

Today at Birmingham Crown Court, Darren Finnegan was successful in an application to dismiss a charge of aiding and abetting dangerous driving for a client who had been escorting an abnormal / wide load under STGO last year.

The 4.3m wide load had struck a lamppost while the HGV was travelling through roadworks. This lamppost fell onto the opposing carriageway causing damage to multiple vehicles.

Darren made an application to dismiss before the escort driver had been arraigned at Birmingham Crown Court on the basis that the relationship of HGV driver and escort driver was not a typical relationship giving rise to liability for aiding and abetting and that simply following a HGV pursuant to the STGO and escort driver guidelines cannot, without more, constitute aiding or abetting. It was also argued that there simply was not enough evidence against the escort driver.

The application was not opposed by the prosecution and the single count was dismissed with a defence costs order.

Darren specialises in criminal road transport matters and has specialist knowledge on abnormal loads and the STGO having previously worked as a driver of STGO vehicles.

With an increase in prosecutions relating to the movement of abnormal loads, it is particularly important to obtain expert advice and representation in what is a complicated area of law.

Darren was instructed on a direct access basis. To instruct him, please contact his clerk, Ty Price.