Lee Hughes successfully defends teacher accused of sexually motivated behaviour

Lee Hughes, instructed by and working with Gareth Martin of Olliers Solicitors, finished a fifth day before the Teaching Regulation Agency recently, with his client’s behaviour found not to be of a sexual nature and or sexually motivated.
The former grammar school teacher admitted taking a pupil on a camping trip with only the pupil’s sibling for company. The trip was not authorised by the school, but the pupil’s parents were aware of the trip.
Prior to the trip and on the way to the campsite it was alleged that the teacher
• Communicated with the pupil outside of school hours via Teams and in person, and
• Touched the pupil’s leg
At one point during the trip the sibling left the campsite, leaving the teacher and pupil alone. It was alleged that at that point the teacher
• Leaned on or over the pupil
• Kissed the pupil’s cheek twice and whispered “I love you” after each kiss
• Spoken with the pupil about insecurities
The teacher’s evidence was that they could not remember the touch of the leg or the kiss, but if they did those things they were done in an entirely parental way.
The TRA insisted that the behaviour was of a sexual nature and or sexually motivated.
After two days of evidence and detailed submissions on how to approach the allegations and their conclusions, the Panel found that whilst eight out of ten allegations were proven, none of the behaviour found proven against the teacher was of a sexual nature and or sexually motivated. Further, the Panel found that the behaviour was of a parental nature.
For unacceptable professional conduct and bringing the profession into disrepute by taking the pupil on an unauthorised trip the Home Secretary has prohibited the teacher from teaching and directed that the minimum two-year review period be applied.