Harvey Rowson Recognised As Being A Guinness World Record Holder

Harvey was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at just one year old and was told he would never walk. Through years of dedicated physiotherapy, he not only learned to walk smoothly but also set his sights on running a half marathon!

Refusing to let his disability define him, Harvey has always pushed boundaries. When he began training for his record-breaking attempt, on his first run, he was only able to complete a mile in 17 minutes before stopping.

After six months of rigorous training, Harvey achieved both a personal best 6.09min/KM pace and a Guinness World Record for the fastest CIH half marathon on the big day. Now, Harvey is preparing to surpass his own world record in the next half marathon.

Head of Chambers Kate Blackwell KC said, “We are so proud of Harvey. He is a brilliant and well-respected member of the clerking team at LHC and it doesn’t surprise us that his determination and dedication has led to this amazing success. Well done, Harvey!”
