Acceptance of Instructions in Legally Aided Cases

Following the announcement from the CBA about its poll, the result was, by a narrow majority, that the profession will accept the proposals negotiated with the government, including a further review in 18 months time. The CBA have now withdrawn their call for action.

The members of Lincoln House Chambers will now accept instructions in legal aid cases where the representation order was granted both before and after the 1st April 2018.

Members of Lincoln House Chambers were proud to support the CBA in the action, not only in the interests of the future of the criminal bar but the criminal justice system generally. We will continue to campaign for proper recognition by the government of the problems which systemic underfunding has caused to solicitors, barristers and other professionals, and also the impact on our clients.

The CBA said “the investment in the AGFS scheme is the first step in a long road to rehabilitation for the Criminal Justice System. The damage done in recent decades will not be undone in weeks, or perhaps years. This proposal is the beginning and not the end of our campaign to improve the broken system we all work in every day. We still face exceptional difficulties, as do our solicitor colleagues. This will not fix the terrible conditions, the unhealthy and unreasonably onerous working practices and the general decrepitude. However, if we consider it a start we can build on it.”

Please do not hesitate in contacting the clerks if you have any questions or require any assistance.