Jeremy Lasker, Successfully Secured the Conviction of a...

Published: 26th October, 2018

Mark Ford successfully defends former Crewe Alexandra coach...

Published: 23rd October, 2018

Rachel Cooper defends nationally publicised transgender case

Published: 19th October, 2018

Success for Ahmed Nadim in Court of Appeal...

Published: 15th October, 2018

Henry Blackshaw and Lee Hughes secure convictions in...

Published: 10th October, 2018

Sentences handed down in SFO prosecution led by...

Published: 2nd October, 2018

Lincoln House recognised for ‘innovative’ paperless practice in...

Published: 3rd September, 2018

Lincoln House recognised for 'innovative' paperless practice in...

Published: 3rd September, 2018

Success for Andrew Thomas QC & Andrew Nuttall...

Published: 31st August, 2018

Success for Andrew Thomas QC & Andrew Nuttall...

Published: 31st August, 2018

A mention for Ellen Shaw, Junior Counsel to...

Published: 10th August, 2018

Neil Usher successfully prosecutes Michael Marler in two-week...

Published: 9th August, 2018