Circuit Bench Appointment for Dennis Watson QC

[intro]We are delighted to announce that the Queen has appointed Anthony Dennis Watson QC to be a Circuit Judge on the advice of the Lord Chancellor, the Right Honourable Kenneth Clarke QC MP. The Right Honourable The Lord Judge, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, has assigned him to the Northern Circuit, based at Liverpool Crown Court with effect from Monday 9 July 2012. Dennis Watson QC was called to the Bar in 1985 and took Silk in 2009. He was appointed as a Recorder in 2002.[/intro]

Head of Chambers Alistair Webster Q.C and Guy Gozem Q.C. commented “Dennis has been a valued and boon companion for many years. We are delighted that he has been appointed to the circuit bench where we are confident he will be a great success. On a personal note his presence in Chambers will be very much missed but we are sure that he will keep close links to Chambers and we look forward to seeing him at our future social events.