CPS advocate panel – Lincoln House Chambers Success

[intro]Following the release of the CPS advocate panel list earlier today Lincoln House Chambers are delighted to report a 100 % success rate for every member at the category for which they applied. The national success level was recorded at 74%.[/intro]

Alistair Webster QC comments: “Since  founding chambers on 1978 we have worked hard to select as members of chambers only those who demonstrate great ability and a commitment to excellence. This is reflected in the results of this exercise and confirms LHC as one of the country’s leading sets, with a nationwide reputation. ”

Further comment from David Wright Director of Clerking; “Chambers has always enjoyed a fantastic working relationship with the CPS and we are delighted that this can continue. Chambers prosecution team now boasts 22 Grade 4 prosecutors, 15 Grade 3’s,  4 grade 2’s  and 2 grade  1’s, which is a clear indication of our quality and strength in depth. This exercise will send a clear message to other prosecution agencies that we are committed to prosecution work and are able to service substantial contracts in both criminal and regulatory fields.

Jonathan Maskew, Chambers Director added “a huge success, allowing chambers to continually be acknowledged as one of the leading criminal sets. The depth of experience offered by the team sets us apart from our competitors and secures a unique advantage for us”

Further details of the categorisation levels can be provided on request or you can view the complete list via the CPS website :