Henry Blackshaw and Anna Chestnutt secure conviction in kidnapping case.

After a 6-week trial before HHJ Manley at Crown Square, Adrian Cameron, Ricardo Bell, Michael Wright, Usman Rathore and Azhar Mohammed were convicted of kidnap. The defendants suspected that the victim, a mobile barber, had stolen a quantity of drugs and cash. The kidnap and detention of the victim was designed to secure his confession.

Usman Rathore and Azhar Mohammed tricked the victim into getting into their car for a haircut, where the true purpose was his detention and interrogation. The victim was removed, by force, into a second car which contained Adrian Cameron, Ricardo Bell and Michael Wright.

The victim was assaulted in the car on the way private address, where he was held for approximately two hours and further assaulted. He was threatened with a loaded firearm, and told he would be taken to the moors and shot dead.

Henry Blackshaw led the case for the prosecution, with Anna Chestnutt as his junior. Further detail about the case can be found here:
