Henry Blackshaw Successfully Prosecutes the 'University Prowler'

Following an 8 day trial Henry Blackshaw secured the prosecution of Tahir Nazir, branded by the media as the ‘University Prowler’. He was found guilty of all charges brought against him.

Mr Nazir, a 40-year-old man from Glasgow travelled the UK visiting university towns all over the country including Oxford, Cardiff, Swansea, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Manchester targeting female undergraduates, among the offences Mr Nazir attempted to rape a sleeping student.

Mr Blackshaw opened the prosecution stating: “evidence shows him travelling from Scotland down into England, through England and down into Wales – all part of sexually predatory behaviour targeted at university undergraduate females.

“He was targeting them within their accommodation. During the dead of night he breaks in, using one device or another, and then having done that, on two of the occasions, sexually attacks females who are asleep in their beds.”

Mr Nazir is expected to be sentenced on 27th May.