Lincoln House Chambers has been named as one of the country's best places to work, according to the Guardian UK

Lincoln House Chambers has been named, alongside Google, Channel 4 and MI6, as one of the country’s best places to work, according to the Guardian UK 300 survey of students looking for graduate employment. It was the only set of barristers’ chambers outside London to be named in the list.

The survey asks 25,000 students at over 100 universities to rank the most popular employers within the major graduate career sectors. The top 300 employers are then included within the list. The Guardian describes the exercise as the most representative survey of its kind.

This year’s list included high profile names such as management consultants, McKinsey & Co, and investment bankers, Goldman Sachs as well as household names, like Microsoft, Airbus and John Lewis Partnership. This year’s winner was technology giant, Google.

Speaking after the announcement of list Alistair Webster QC said ” We set a high premium on recruiting outstanding candidates.  We invest a lot of time and care in the selection process.  It is designed to be challenging and stimulating.  It is extremely pleasing that, despite the challenging nature of the process, the applicants recognise the care which has gone into it and the fair and welcoming way in which it is carried out.  In our fields of practice, we are recognised on the national, as well as the regional, scene. The excellence of the recruitment process reflects that national profile.  I congratulate all those involved in the process.”