Lisa Roberts QC Elected a Bencher of Lincoln's Inn

The members of Lincoln House Chambers are delighted to congratulate Lisa Roberts QC, Leader of the Northern Circuit, upon her election as a Bencher of Lincoln’s Inn.

Lisa was nominated for the prestigious honour by the Inn’s Benchers – identities unknown! – and was delighted to accept.

Lisa commented:

“I was fortunate enough to receive a number of scholarships from Lincoln’s Inn when a student and hope, in some small way, to ‘repay’ the faith placed in me by my Inn. I have enjoyed participating in the training and social events provided by Lincoln’s Inn and will continue to play an active role in its educational and pastoral functions.”

Lincoln’s Inn is a thriving society of barristers, situated on a large estate of historic buildings, contemporary facilities, and tranquil grounds in central London. The Inn is a multifaceted organisation, but is primarily dedicated to the qualification, training and development of its members, at all stages of their legal careers, in a prestigious, collegiate and inclusive environment.

A Bencher, Benchsitter or (formally) Master of the Bench is a member of the Council, the governing body of the Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn. The term originally referred to one who sat on the benches in the main hall of the Inn, which were used for dining and during moots , and the term originally had no significance.