Convictions Secured in Tragic Baby Shaking Case Involving 9 Day Old Baby

…case was factually and legally complex and involved multiple expert witnesses which were called to deal with the medical evidence. The prosecution could not prove which parent was responsible for


…the terms in which barristers will be operating has changed as of 31st January 2013. Lincoln House Chambers will be operating under the new standard contractual terms which can be…

Richard Dawson

…is developing a national reputation as being a leading expert. He regularly appears before the Traffic Commissioner where he represents haulage companies, transport managers, and drivers, and his success rate…

Matthew Howarth Secures Complete Acquittal in Witness Intimidation Case

…allegation of witness intimidation and assault upon a vulnerable adult in Manchester City Centre. It was alleged that the Acquitted assaulted the Complainant to prevent her being a potential witness…

Anthony Horsfall

…touching on joint enterprise and intent. R v LH – Defendant faced charges of arranging the commission of a child sexual offence (rape) and attempted sexual communications with a child….

Transport Regulation

…Traffic Commissioner hearings. Our barristers know the importance of tailoring a criminal defence which will also assist in subsequent proceedings before the Traffic Commissioner. Examples of such criminal offences are:…

Lisa Roberts QC defends company for breaching Control of Vibration at Work Regulations.

The company pleaded guilty to offences committed over a number of years at their Newport premises. They were sentenced under the new Sentencing Guidelines and could have faced a fine…

Ellen Shaw

…four counsel who drafted the Ampleforth and Downside report. GROSS NEGLIGENCE/CORPORATE MANSLAUGHTER R v BCHL– Prosecution junior counsel in a prosecution of a company and director responsible for the…

Henry Blackshaw Secures Convictions in Aviation Prosecution

…assistance in handling and challenging the expert witnesses who gave evidence on aeronautical theory, the standard of flying and the mechanical condition of the aircraft concerned. See:  …

Andrew Thomas QC & Austin Welch Secure Acquittal in Food Safety & Hygiene Prosecution

…both of the directors in the case and Austin represented the company. Andrew and Austin were instructed by Mark Brookes and Stephanie Lunt at Clyde and Co LLP.…

Andrew Thomas QC & Austin Welch Secure Acquittal in Food Safety & Hygiene Prosecution

…both of the directors in the case and Austin represented the company. Andrew and Austin were instructed by Mark Brookes and Stephanie Lunt at Clyde and Co LLP.…

Austin Welch defends construction company and director accused of environmental offences

The company was charged with operating a landfill and waste transfer operation otherwise than in accordance with an environmental permit. The offence was alleged to have been committed as a…