Robert Vincent a dairyman, jailed for 13 years – Phil Curran Prosecutes

[intro]A dairyman who led a double life of drugs and guns has been jailed for 13 years after a 9mm pistol was found in his locker at work.[/intro]

Police began looking for Robert Vincent, 30, after his fingerprint was found on a Wiseman Dairies bag containing shotgun cartridges at the scene of a firearms raid in Wythenshawe.

When they caught up with him at Wiseman’s Trafford Park site, where he had worked as driver for several years, he was found with keys to a locker.

There, in a portable strong-box, was a Glock 26 handgun, two magazines and 143 bullets.

Police later also found a cannabis farm Vincent was operating from his home at Stickens Lock Lane, Irlam.

Philip Curran, prosecuting, revealed after the trial that Vincent had a previous conviction for shooting a girlfriend in the leg with a shotgun.

The information had been kept the jury until after they recorded their verdict.

Judge Michael Henshell, sentencing, told Vincent: “Possession of firearms and ammunition leads to serious crime – Manchester has suffered more than most. Lives have been taken and people injured because of the use of guns.”

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