Seminar: Issues Arising and Relating to a Claimants Immigration Status

Date – 9th June 2015

Time – Registration 1:30pm to start at 2pm

Location – BPP Professional Education, St James’ Building, Oxford Street, Manchester,

Further Details – / 0161 832 5701

In an increasingly globalised world, our population includes rapidly rising numbers of foreign nationals from the EU and beyond who are here legally and illegally and can be victims of road accidents, workplace accidents, clinical negligence and all manner of personal injuries. Claimants whose status is not settled or clear cut can present challenges in assessing the value of their cases. Further, with the increased focus by insurers on dishonesty and illegality in claims, immigration status is likely to become of greater relevance to personal injury specialists in future with Defendants using irregular immigration status as a tactic to deny or reduce claims.


This 2 hour seminar, conducted by Abigail Holt (Barrister, Mediator and First Tier Tribunal Judge, IAC), will give an overview of status and how it might be relevant to a PI or Negligence claim, including valuation of a claim when an accident-victim’s long-term future is not likely to be in the UK. The aim will be to identify the potential issues. There will be consideration of the Court’s likely approach to claimants whose presence in the UK is tainted by illegally, including the issues arising from the recent case of Hounga v Allen [2014] UKSC 4